School’s out, and the summer of Danganronpa begins!

It’s true that we’ve been here before a time or two at the humble and not-quite-derelict Video Game Academy: see the spoiler-laden analysis from Professor Kozlowski on the game’s approach to Serving and Subverting Tropes, our introductory podcast episode, and other materials on our Intro to Visual Novels page. But summer school, after all, is about making up for lost time, in a not un-Proustian way, and so it’s never too late to begin again learning about this weird and discomforting game of mayhem, murder, and angst; through it, about games as such; and through games, about everything, really.

So get pumped with recommended readings such as Susan Sontag’s Notes on ‘Camp’ and play Danganronpa with us (or watch someone’s playthrough enough to get the gist of it, read the script, etc.)… it’s going to be a beautiful summer’s day.

What else we’re up to:

  • Professor Ben has been making lectures and videos for his course on the Philosophy of Love and Friendship
  • For myself, summer-reading Pedro Paramo, The Satanic Verses, The Tale of Genji, and The Beetle Leg with various friends, and playing through Paper Mario games with the fam

What’s new? Find us on discord and drop us a line!

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